United Nations

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Durban NGO Alert: The Womens International League for Peace and Freedom

Womens International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF) has lobbied for an NGO Forum at the Durban Review Conference, erasing the antisemitism and virulent anti-Israel rhetoric of the NGO Forum at the first Durban conference in 2001. In statements to the UN, WILPF falsely accuses Israel of "relentless destruction of Palestinian infrastructure" and maintaining "more than 650 checkpoints where Palestinians are brutalized and die." WILPF is a member of the Coalition of Women for Peace (CWP), a highly politicized Israeli NGO umbrella group funded by NIF and the EU.


NGOs and Durban Demonization at UN Human Rights Review of Israel

As predicted by NGO Monitor, the majority of NGO submissions to the UN's UPR of Israel ignore human rights issues facing Israelis and areas where Israel is a leader in this field, while grossly distorting the humanitarian, human rights and international legal dimensions of the Arab-Israeli conflict. Nord-Sud XXI, Ittijah, Badil, and PGAAWC exploit human rights terminology and employ inflammatory rhetoric against Israel. Adalah, Amnesty, and others attribute "racist" motives to Israeli policies, instead of acknowledging that these are legitimate responses to Palestinian violence against Israeli civilians.


Durban Review Conference Alert: EAFORD - Three decades of Promoting "Zionism equals racism"

EAFORD uses its ECOSOC status to promote campaigns declaring that "Zionism equals racism" and demonization based on "apartheid." They have accused Israel of a "Holocaust" against the Palestinian people and characterized terrorism as "resistance." EAFORD was very active in the framework of the NGO Forum of the 2001 Durban Conference, claiming that Zionism is based on "purity of the race, and distinctiveness from other people" which "seems to bear close resemblance to ...Fascism and Nazism," and is seeking another UN-sponsored NGO Forum at the 2009 Durban Review Conference.


Durban Review PrepCom: Will NGOs Lead a Repeat of the 2001 Catastrophe?

A Durban Review Conference preparatory meeting was held in Geneva on Oct. 6-17. NGO participation was divided, with some opposing a repetition of the antisemitism of the 2001 conference. Other NGOs pressed the anti-Israel and anti-Western agenda of the "Durban strategy." BADIL and MRAP condemned Israel. Unofficial meetings of NGO representatives about a potential NGO Forum included antisemitic and anti-Israel attacks against Jewish representatives.


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