United Nations

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In a video that has gone viral, a young Palestinian approaches two Israeli soldiers. She hits, prods and slaps them. She is trying to provoke a reaction that will be caught on camera and show the ugly violence of the Israeli army. The soldiers respond with professionalism and restraint, and ignore her attack.


On UK Outsourcing of Foreign Policy to B’Tselem and Norwegian Refugee Council: Evidence from FOI Requests

In response to a Freedom of Information (FOI) request initiated by NGO Monitor, the British Foreign Commonwealth Office (FCO) released a series of emails with the Israeli NGO B’Tselem. Heavy redaction notwithstanding, the emails reveal warm, frequent contact between the Israeli NGO and the British government, as well as extensive lobbying efforts on the part of B’Tselem.


The UN’s Top Priority for Palestine: $18 million for More NGO-linked anti-Israel Lawfare

The United Nations Development Assistance Framework and the Palestinian Authority have signed a “strategic programming framework” for 2018-2022, providing over $1 billion to “support[] Palestine’s path to independence” and other “pillars of the government’s National Policy Agenda.”


UN CEIRPP “50 Years of Occupation” Event: BDS, Antisemitism, and Demonization

On June 29-30, 2017, the UN Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People (CEIRPP) held a forum to “mark fifty years of Israeli occupation.” As anticipated, the event “Ending the Occupation: Creating the Space for Human Rights, Development and a Just Peace,” featured antisemitic rhetoric, calls for BDS (boycott, divestment, and sanctions), and demonization campaigns against Israel’s existence.


Submission to Human Rights Council on Abuse of Human Rights Defenders Status

The Amuta for NGO Responsibility submitted a written statement to the Human Rights Council, demonstrating how the OHCHR and rapporteurs operating under special procedures mandates have failed to ensure adherence to the definition of a human rights defender, abusing the term and giving the impression of a UN imprimatur on individuals that promote incitement, violence, discrimination, and virulent antisemitism.


Watchlist: Human Rights Watch Leads Effort to Promote Impunity for Palestinian Terrorists

HRW was one of a number of NGOs that set the agenda for a Policy Note published by Watchlist, urging the UN Secretary General to add Israel to the list of "parties known to commit grave violations against children." The publication lacks methodology and evidence, and promotes impunity for Palestinian terror groups.


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