United Nations

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Amuta for NGO Responsibility: Item 9 General Debate - Oral Statement

It is time for the UN to shed its image as a bastion of anti-Jewish hatred. Secretary General Guterres has taken important steps in this direction. UN adoption of the IHRA antisemitism definition and funding guidelines mirroring those of the EU would mark profound positive change.


Amuta for NGO Responsibility: Item 7 Interactive Dialogue - Oral Statement

Special Rapporteur Michael Lynk’s report proves why Canada was so disturbed by his appointment. The report has an antisemitic tinge, calling Israeli presence in the region avaricious, pathological, and rapacious, crudely resorting to bigotry as the complexities of the Arab-Israeli conflict and the thousands of years of Jewish history are erased.


Amuta for NGO Responsibility: Item 8 General Debate - Oral Statement

The well-being of children is a cornerstone of international human rights as noted in the Vienna Declaration. Unfortunately, the UN agency charged with protecting children is failing to carry out its mandate. The Palestinian branch of UNICEF funds and partners with several NGOs that are closely linked to the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine terrorist organization.


Amuta for NGO Responsibility: Item 7 General Debate - Oral Statement

The international community has long ignored the Palestinian weaponization of children. The Palestinian Authority, Fatah, Hamas, and other armed factions routinize the grooming of children from an early age as combatants in the Palestinian war against Israel and Jews. They have enacted a widespread and systematic program of violent and antisemitic incitement.


Submission to UN Human Rights Council on International Complicity in the Palestinian Weaponization of Children Must End

The international community has long ignored the Palestinian weaponization of children in the Arab-Israeli conflict. Ahed Tamimi, a Palestinian teen whose family scripts physical confrontations with Israeli soldiers and then widely disseminates the resulting videos on social media to demonize Israel and glorify “resistance,” is a representative example.


Submission to UN Human Rights Council on World Health Organization and NGOs Misrepresent State of Gaza Health

On February 13, 2018, Human Rights Watch (HRW), along with Al Mezan Center for Human Rights, Amnesty International, Medical Aid for Palestinians (MAP), and Physicians for Human Rights-Israel (PHR-I), issued a joint statement condemning Israel’s procedures for granting access for Gaza residents to Israel for medical treatment. The groups cite a December 2017 World Health Organization (WHO) document that claims that 54 Gazans died while awaiting approval to travel to seek medical attention in Israel or in the West Bank. The WHO paper does not provide a source for this figure.


Submission to UN Human Rights Council on Setting the Record Straight on Detention of Palestinian Minors

Palestinian minors are unfortunately involved in a wide range of offences including murder, attempted murder, and illegal possession of weapons. Key contributing factors are incitement by the Palestinian Authority and recognized terror groups, recruiting of children from the earliest of ages to engage in conflict, glorification of violence and “marytrs”, and large monthly payments (that increase based on the severity of the crime) by the Palestinian Authority to prisoners and their families.


Submission to UN Human Rights Council on UNICEF and its NGO Working Group Fail Children in Israel and the Palestinian Authority

UNICEF plays a central role in a campaign to have Israel included on a UN blacklist of “grave” violators of children’s rights. The list appears as an annex to the UN Secretary-General’s annual report on Children and Armed Conflict (CAAC). This political agenda is a primary facet of UNICEF’s activities relating to Israel, completely inconsistent with its mandate of “child protection” and from its guidelines for neutrality and impartiality.


Singling Out Israel While Whitewashing Terrorism: Watchlist’s 2018 Policy Note

In March 2018, the NGO umbrella group known as Watchlist on Children and Armed Conflict (Watchlist) published a Policy Note urging the UN Secretary General to add Israel, Myanmar, and others to a list of “grave violators” of children’s rights. Terror groups, including Hamas and Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), are not mentioned in Watchlist’s publication.


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