UN Human Rights Council (HRC)

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Boycott Campaigns against JCB

JCB (J.C Bamford Excavators), a UK-based manufacturer of construction equipment, has become a target of BDS campaigns due to its sale of equipment to the State of Israel. These campaigns, primarily from British NGOs, intensified in 2020 after JCB was included on the discriminatory UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC) “blacklist” of companies operating in Israel, published in February 2020.


Al-Haq and GLAN’s Not-So-Subtle BDS Agenda: Analysis of Submission on “Business and Human Rights in Occupied Territory”

On April 27, 2020, Al-Haq and Global Legal Action Network (GLAN, Ireland) published, “Business and Human Rights in Occupied Territory: A Guidance for Upholding Human Rights" that attempted to mainstream BDS against Israel in a UN framework


NGO Monitor Submission to the Committee to review the Guidelines for Observation and Exclusion of Companies from the Government Pension Fund Global

The Institute for NGO Research presents this submission to the Committee in advance of its review of the Guidelines for Observation and Exclusion of Companies from the Government Pension Fund Global (GPFG).


Human Rights Council Continues Gaslighting on Gaza

On February 25, 2020, the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), the bureaucratic arm of the Human Rights Council, presented an update on the 2019 Commission of Inquiry into the violence along the Israel-Gaza border. As with previous UN pseudo-investigations on Israel, this COI ignored legal standards and readily and publicly available information to accuse Israel of “war crimes” and other violations. The 2020 update continued to promote this false narrative and the biased HRC agenda.


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