B'Tselem Adds to the Chorus of False Gaza War Allegations
BTselem claims lack credibility and are part of Schabas and ICC political campaigns against Israel.
BTselem claims lack credibility and are part of Schabas and ICC political campaigns against Israel.
NGO Monitor strongly condemns the appointment of William Schabas to head the new UN Gaza commission and calls on all UN member states to demand his immediate dismissal.
NGO Monitor presented a new report on NGO efforts to promote another "Goldstone" pseudo-investigation at a special event held July 24, featuring a keynote address by Col. Richard Kemp CBE.
On July 23, the UN Human Rights Council, in partnership with NGOs, will hold a special session on the conflict in Gaza and will vote to create another immoral "Goldstone" pseudo-investigation.
Gerald Steinberg and Anne Herzberg will participate in the 25th session of the UN Human Rights Council on behalf of NGO Monitor.
Biased NGOs, including Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International, have worked to exploit the UNHRC to single out Israel. NGOs keep Israel on the agenda, while abusive regimes are generally ignored.
The submission demands, at a minimum, strict adherence to the principles of impartiality and objectivity, transparency in all interactions with NGOs, and professional guidelines for assessing the credibility, and factual and legal claims of NGOs.
Commissioner Pillay is either confused or is regurgitating false information from self-interested political NGOs, or both. Pillay, who heads one of the least transparent and closed international institutions, should embrace transparency and public accountability.
The agreement to release kidnapped Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit is an important humanitarian act, but organizations dedicated to human rights have an obligation to condemn such immoral extortion by Hamas.