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Parents Circle Families Forum (PCFF)

PCFF's activities promote a highly biased view of the conflict based on the Palestinian narrative and draw an immoral equivalence between terror victims and terrorists.


Palestinian Center for Democracy and Conflict Resolution

PCDCR refers to Palestinian “victims of Gaza holocaust,” accuses Israel of “state terrorism,” and supported the discredited 2009 Goldstone Report, which accused Israel of “war crimes,” “crimes against humanity,” and deliberately targeting “the people of Gaza as a whole.”


Fundraiser for PFLP-linked NGO Convicted of Supporting Terror Group

On November 10, 2021, Juanna Sanchez Rishmawi, a fundraiser from 1993 for the West Bank-based NGO Health Work Committees (HWC), pled guilty to “carrying out services on behalf of a banned organization,” the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP). This case is part of wider allegations regarding the systematic diversion of European government funds that were provided to Palestinian NGOs for human rights and humanitarian work.


Showing 81-90 of 392