
Showing 181-190 of 392

NGO Officials Alleged Terror Activities, Arrests, and Affiliations

On August 23, 2019, Samer Arbid commanded a Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) terror cell that carried out a bombing against Israeli civilians, murdering 17-year old Rina Shnerb, and injuring her father and brother. Arbid previously worked for Addameer – a Palestinian NGO closely linked to the PFLP


Uncivil Society: Tracking the Funders and Enablers of the Demonization of Israel

Although Palestinian officials are often portrayed as the initiators and leaders, in practice, the campaigns are largely led by officials of Western institutions, including powerful non-governmental organizations (NGOs) active in the areas of human rights, international law, peace, and other normative objectives.


Showing 181-190 of 392