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Clarifying the Record on Israel’s Recent Terror Designations: A Response to Lieblich and Shinar

On October 24, Eliav Lieblich and Adam Shinar published a post on Just Security that critiques Israel’s 2016 Counterterror law and downplays or ignores several facts that are not only necessary to consider in order to evaluate the specific case at issue fully, but also when examining the merits of the Israeli legislation more broadly.


Union of Agricultural Work Committees' Ties to the PFLP Terror Group

Numerous UAWC staff members, founders, board members, general assembly members, and senior staff members have ties to the PFLP terror group. UAWC is identified by Fatah as an official Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) “affiliate” and by a USAID-engaged audit as the “agricultural arm” of the PFLP. According to academic scholar Glenn E. Robinson, UAWC was founded in 1986 by “agronomists loosely affiliated with the PFLP.”


Analysis: Israel Designates 6 PFLP-linked NGOs as Terrorist Organizations

On October 22, 2021, the Israeli Ministry of Defense (MoD) designated 6 Palestinian NGOs as terrorist organizations. According to the MoD, Defense for Children International-Palestine (DCI-P), Union of Agricultural Work Committees, Al-Haq, Addameer, Union of Palestinian Women’s Committees (UPWC), and Bisan were included on Israel’s list of terrorist organizations because they are operated by and for the benefit of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP).


Addameer’s Ties to the PFLP Terrorist Group

Several of Addameer’s current and former employees, as well as lawyers that work for Addameer, have links to the PFLP. As an organization, Addameer regularly provides legal assistance to Palestinians accused by Israel of PFLP membership or activity on behalf of the terror group, such as PFLP General-Secretary Ahmed Sa’adat.


“Gaza is Palestine”: NGOs and Rep. Tlaib Push BDS

On October 7, 2021, the “Gaza is Palestine” campaign will host a virtual event featuring Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) and a number of BDS activists. These include individuals who have celebrated violence against Israelis. The campaign seeks to halt US military assistance to Israel and is spearheaded by pro-BDS NGOs.


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