Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP)

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Addameer: The PFLP Network's Prisoner Advocacy Wing

The Palestinian non-governmental organization (NGO) Addameer published “The Israeli Military Court System.” This report claims to present a number of faults with the Israeli justice system in the West Bank and implies that Israeli courts do not have the right to prosecute Palestinians committing acts of terrorism. The report goes on to make a number of false legal claims regarding the implementation of law and the Israeli military courts in the West Bank – emblematic of the NGO’s contextually, factually, and legally misleading campaigns.


Letter to MEPs Concerning PFLP Event at the European Parliament

On September 26, 2017, an event will take place the European Parliament in Brussels featuring Leila Khaled, member of the PFLP terrorist group as well as a speaker from Addameer, a PFLP affiliated NGO. The event is further organized by Unadikum, an NGO that participated in a gala to raise funds for a PFLP affiliated group in Gaza.


Watchlist: Human Rights Watch Leads Effort to Promote Impunity for Palestinian Terrorists

HRW was one of a number of NGOs that set the agenda for a Policy Note published by Watchlist, urging the UN Secretary General to add Israel to the list of "parties known to commit grave violations against children." The publication lacks methodology and evidence, and promotes impunity for Palestinian terror groups.


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