Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP)

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Special Rapporteur on Israel: The UN’s Weakest Lynk

In March 2016, Michael Lynk, an associate professor of law from Canada, began his term as United Nations Special Rapporteur on the “situation of human rights in the Palestinian Territory occupied since 1967.” Based on the criteria to be named a Special Rappoteur and the following evidence, we conclude that Lynk is unqualified to fulfill this mandate for the UN.


EAPPI: The World Council of Churches’ Training Camp for Anti-Israel Advocacy

Founded in 2002, Ecumenical Accompaniment Programme in Palestine and Israel (EAPPI) is the Geneva-based World Council of Churches’ (WCC) “flagship project” on the Arab-Israeli conflict. Despite marketing itself as a human rights and protection program, EAPPI places significant emphasis on political advocacy before, during, and after the trip.


NGO Monitor Submission to the State Department 2018 Human Rights Report on Israel, the Golan Heights the West Bank, and Gaza

NGO Monitor prepared this submission to the US State Dept to inform and improve the process by which the State Department prepares its annual Human Rights Report on Israel, Golan Heights, West Bank, and Gaza.


Civil Society Organizations: Non-Traditional Actors in the Process of Radicalization

Professor Gerald Steinberg and Olga Deutsch argue that policy makers and the international community overlook a significant impediment to deradicalization efforts within civil society, particularly in the context of providing development aid.


Statement on Rosa Luxemburg Foundation's "Shrinking Space" Publication

NGO Monitor's success in exposing the millions in taxpayer funds given annually, without transparency, to false human rights and development NGOs, some of which are linked to terror organizations and/or use antisemitic motifs, speaks for itself. Indeed, this smear campaign highlights the importance and credibility of our work.


Political Advocacy NGO Involvement in UN Humanitarian Aid Clusters

As part of UNOCHA's “Humanitarian Response Plan (HRP),” aid appeals are divided into clusters with NGOs serving as implementing partners with UN agencies, and in some cases, responsible for leading the cluster. The cluster system is a key international lobbying and action mechanism through which the PA advances its nationalist and political agenda, sustaining conflict,


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