Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP)

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Al-Haq and GLAN’s Not-So-Subtle BDS Agenda: Analysis of Submission on “Business and Human Rights in Occupied Territory”

On April 27, 2020, Al-Haq and Global Legal Action Network (GLAN, Ireland) published, “Business and Human Rights in Occupied Territory: A Guidance for Upholding Human Rights" that attempted to mainstream BDS against Israel in a UN framework


PalVision Board Members and Employees: Glorification of Violence, Celebration of Terrorists, and Support for BDS

PalVision’s board members, officials, and employees have justified and glorified violence against Israeli civilians and praised individual terrorists and terrorist attacks. Additionally, they have employed antisemitic and “anti-normalization” rhetoric in their public statements.


Jewish Voice for Peace and BADIL Team up to Downplay Terrorism and Promote BDS

In July-August 2020, Jewish Voice for Peace – Boston and BADIL held a series of webinars on aimed at “raising awareness in the USA…on the current obstacles and challenges facing the Palestinian people in their struggle for liberation.” Topics included annexation, President Trump’s “peace plan,” “Segregation, Fragmentation and Isolation,” and conditional funding.


PFLP flag

PFLP: Arrested NGO Official is a "Hero" and a "Commander"

While a number of UAWC supporters have attempted to cast doubt on Samer Arbid's membership in the PFLP terror group and involvement in the August 2019 attack, on August 30, 2020, the PFLP issued a condolence note in memory of Arbid's mother, referring to Arbid a "prisoner and commander," and "one of the heroes of the Bubeen operation" -- referring to the August 2019 bombing.


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