Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP)

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Habitat International Coalition

Habitat International Coalition (HIC) is “an independent international nonprofit Coalition of organisations and individuals working in the field of human settlement.” The highly politicized HIC-MENA website disseminates thinly veiled anti-Israel propaganda.. Blatant anti-Israel articles appear in its news section and documents section.


NGO Monitor Sends Letter to UNHRC President Requesting to Convene Assessment of COI Mandate

On November 17, 2022, Professor Gerald M Steinberg wrote a letter to the President of the UN Human Rights Council regarding the the public hearings of the Commission of Inquiry on the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and Israel (“COI” or “Commission”) that took place in Geneva from 7-11 November.


Sham UN Hearings Attempt to Suppress NGO Monitor Research

For three days, the UN’s permanent Commission of Inquiry (COI) against Israel conducted hearings ostensibly to investigate whether Israel was justified in designating seven Palestinian NGOs as terror organizations, due to their links to the PFLP. In practice, this was a forum for Commission members and NGO representatives to join in attempts to silence NGO Monitor's independent research. 


Terror-linked NGOs Highlight NGO Monitor Impact at UN Hearings

On November 7-11, 2022, the UN Human Rights Council’s permanent “Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and in Israel” (COI) held public hearings. Three out of the seven NGOs who appeared at the hearings used them as a platform to defame NGO Monitor in retaliation for its role in exposing the aforementioned terror links.


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