Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP)

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Hebron Rehabilitation Committee

• HRC’s mission is to “preserve Hebron as an historical Arab Palestinian town, in order to safeguard its cultural and architectural heritage against the threat of a takeover by extremist Israeli settlers.” HRC rhetoric includes accusing Israel of “apartheid,” “ethnic cleansing,” “genocide,” and “collective punishment.”


Alternative Information Center - Palestine (AICP)

AIC is a Jerusalem-based NGO funded by the Irish Government via Christian Aid. It claims to "promote responsible co-operation between Palestinians and Israelis," but supports boycotts, divestment, and sanctions against Israel and is a frequent participant in demonization of Israel at international forums. Its activities reflect an extreme anti-Israel political agenda. AIC publications include News from Within which challenges the Jewish and Zionist nature of the State of Israel.


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