Political NGO Submissions
NGO Monitor to UN "Schabas Commission": Adhere to Fact-Finding Standards
NGO Monitor urges the UN Human Rights Council's Commission of Inquiry on the 2014 Gaza Conflict: Avoid reliance on NGOs that are not credible or promote antisemitism.
B'Tselem Adds to the Chorus of False Gaza War Allegations
BTselem claims lack credibility and are part of Schabas and ICC political campaigns against Israel.
Exploiting Human Rights and Political Warfare: Lessons from Goldstone
NGO Monitor presented a new report on NGO efforts to promote another "Goldstone" pseudo-investigation at a special event held July 24, featuring a keynote address by Col. Richard Kemp CBE.
NGOs and UN Arab Bloc Team-Up for Next "Goldstone" Mission
On July 23, the UN Human Rights Council, in partnership with NGOs, will hold a special session on the conflict in Gaza and will vote to create another immoral "Goldstone" pseudo-investigation.
NGO Monitor Responds to EU Geographic Guidelines on Relations with Israel
The new EU guidelines are evidence of the influence of political NGOs - some funded by the EU - on the EU's policies. On occasion we have seen the EU rely on political NGOs' reports without checking their veracity. The practical results are worrisome and reflect a faulty and one-sided agenda.
NGO Monitor Submission to Goldstone Follow-up Committee
The NGO campaigns highlighted in this report launched ostensibly to uphold the rule of law and due process, are manufactured as part of a coordinated strategy to internationally isolate Israel and weaken its ability to protect its citizens from asymmetrical war.
NGOs Unable to Influence Turkel Commission
B'Tselem, Gisha, and Physicians for Human Rights - Israel (PHR-I), which engage primarily in political advocacy and provided information to the Commission, were unable to influence the Commission's findings.