[Opinion] Guiding International Aid to Those in Need
Becca Wertman discusses the importance of oversight over international aid, and recent developments in Canadian, European, Swiss, and Danish giving.
Becca Wertman discusses the importance of oversight over international aid, and recent developments in Canadian, European, Swiss, and Danish giving.
On July 31, 2018, the UK House of Common’s International Development Committee published its investigative report on sexual exploitation and abuse in the aid sector. The report was commissioned in February in response to highly disturbing allegations against employees of Oxfam International and “misconduct by staff involved in its humanitarian response in Haiti.”
On February 9, 2018, The Times of London revealed that employees of global NGO giant, Oxfam International, had procured prostitutes while doing relief work in Haiti after the 2010 earthquake. Roland Van Hauwemeiren, who was then the Haiti Country Director for Oxfam, was chiefly implicated in the scandal.