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Addameer is a Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) “affiliate.” Addameer advocates for Palestinian political prisoners, while altogether omitting the context of terror; chairperson Abdullatif Ghaith was banned from travelling internationally because of his alleged membership in the PFLP terror organization.


American Muslims for Palestine (AMP)

AMP provides “advocacy training” including instruction on how to lobby politicians, and produces media and activism guidebooks, such as campus activism resources including fact-sheets, anti-normalization material, and Power Point presentations that parrot the Hamas narrative of the 2014 Israeli-Hamas conflict in Gaza, claiming that “Palestinian resistance was born out of the occupation and the siege, plain and simple.”


NGOs Mark 75 Years of “Nakba”

Each year around May 15, the network of anti-Israel NGOs) marks the "Nakba" to describe the establishment of the State of Israel. This year, many of the NGO events reference the 75th anniversary of 1948 in promoting divisive campaigns


Initial Analysis of HRW’s Housing Report: Ignoring Facts in Service of a ’48 Agenda

On May 12, 2020, Human Rights Watch released “Israel: Discriminatory Land Policies Hem in Palestinians,” the latest installment in its decades-long campaign to assail Israel’s legitimacy.  Timed to coincide with the observance of Nakba Day (May 15) – when anti-Israel activists mourn the establishment of the Jewish State as a “catastrophe” – HRW once again invents rights while embracing a 1948 agenda.


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