Electronic Intifada
Electronic Intifada (EI) is a major online media outlet active in promoting the Palestinian agenda with news articles and commentary.
Electronic Intifada (EI) is a major online media outlet active in promoting the Palestinian agenda with news articles and commentary.
Save the Children runs a number of projects in Gaza and the West Bank, implementing “programs in the areas of education, economic opportunities and psychosocial health… humanitarian assistance, child protection and youth development.” Despite a humanitarian mandate, some of these programs include major political and partisan advocacy that fuels the conflict, echoing the Palestinian narrative of victimization.
Gerald Steinberg calls for the closure of the UN Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of Palestinian People, a body committed to repeating Palestinian propaganda thus amplifying incitement and justifications for violence.
Many highly politicized NGOs that are funded by the IHL Scretariat (composed of Denmark, Sweden, Switzerland and the Netherlands) have issued problematic statements regarding the recent wave of terror, which ignore attacks against civilians and Israel's right to self-defense.
The June 26, 2015 publication, No More Impunity, published by Medical Aid for Palestinians, Al-Mezan, and Lawyers for Palestinian Human Rights, is characterized by one-sided accounts, a total lack of verifiable sources, and lack of context.
The World Health Organizations field assessment report on the state of health in Gaza is rife with factual errors based on data provided by unreliable, politicized NGOs and makes false legal claims on key issues.
While some NGOs have condemned the recent series of attacks, others have either remained silent, blamed Israel, or have attempted to create an artificial balance and moral equivalence between terrorists and their victims.
Like most of Oxfams publications on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, its most recent report includes numerous factual errors and promotes a fundamental political bias against Israel.
As in previous rounds of the Arab-Israeli conflict, political NGOs have issued numerous unfound statements condemning Israel.