The Transnational Politics of Warfare Accountability: Human Rights Watch versus the Israel Defense ForcesInternational Relations December 2012 vol. 26 no. 4, pp. 409-429December 06, 2012Topics2006 Lebanon War2009 Gaza WarDemonizationIDFMethodology
Best Practices for Human Rights and Humanitarian NGO Fact-FindingMartinus Nijhoff Publishers (2012)May 01, 2012TopicsFact-finding StandardsHuman RightsMethodologyUN Human Rights Council (HRC)United Nations
The Goldstone Report "Reconsidered"- A Critical AnalysisNGO Monitor and Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, 2011October 30, 2011Topics2009 Gaza War2009 Goldstone ReportDemonizationLawfareMethodology
The Politics of NGOs, Human Rights and the Arab-Israel ConflictIsrael Studies 16.2 Summer 2011: 24-54May 22, 2011Topics2009 Goldstone ReportDemonizationDurbanHalo EffectLack of EvidenceMethodologyUN Human Rights Council (HRC)United Nations
NGOs, soft power and demonization in the "lawfare" strategyJustice, The International Association of Jewish Lawyers and Jurists, 48, Winter 2011, 5-9February 11, 2011Topics2009 Gaza War2009 Goldstone ReportDemonizationDisproportionate FocusDouble StandardsInternational NGOsLack of EvidenceLawfareMethodology