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Global Network for Rights and Development (GNRD)

In July 2016, a Norwegian court declared the Global Network for Rights and Development bankrupt after another court ordered a NOK 376,000 settlement to a former employee. In September 2018, GNRD founder Loai Deeb was indicted by the Norwegian National Authority for Investigation and Prosecution of Economic and Environmental Crime (ØKOKRIM) for laundering approximately NOK 100 million.


Counter-terror and soft power: NGO claims to military and legal expertise and Israeli responses

For many years, the network of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) claiming a human rights agenda has consistently sought to delegitimise Israel’s counterterrorism strategy. This phenomenon was prominent during the 2008–2009 and 2014 Gaza wars, when these groups issued hundreds of statements condemning Israel, and in campaigns calling for UN commissions of inquiry (e.g. the Goldstone and Schabas/Davis investigations) into Israeli ‘war crimes’.


Adalah and Partner NGOs Promote Arms Embargo Against Israel

On May 15, 2018, Adalah and seven other non-governmental organizations (NGOs) sent a letter to US Secretary of State Michael Pompeo to “Investigate Israel’s Use of Lethal Force in Gaza and Halt Foreign Assistance to Israeli Military Units.” The letter adopts a BDS (boycott, divestments, and sanctions) agenda against Israel, in stark contrast to the signatories’ donors’ policies.


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