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Broederlijk Delen

Broederlijk Delen funds a number of NGOs that are highly active in the global political warfare campaigns against Israel, including Adalah, Gisha, Zochrot, Badil, Coalition of Women for Peace, HaMoked, Breaking the Silence, Defense for Children International-Palestine, and Women’s Center for Legal Aid and Counseling.


Rights Forum

Rights Forum is a Dutch organization, established by former Dutch Prime Minister Andreas van Agt, which describes itself as a “knowledge center on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and as a network of previous ministers and jurists that are committed to a solution of the conflict based on international law.” Claims that it was created in response to alleged “unwavering” Dutch support for alleged Israeli violations of international law. It lobbies the Dutch government and the EU to promote the Palestinian agenda.


Society of St. Yves

St. Yves petitions Israeli courts and represents defendants in cases relating to “Jerusalem Residency,” “Freedom of Movement,” “House Demolitions,” “Land Confiscation,” and “Family Unification.” St. Yves accuses Israel of “discriminatory policies” and “breach[ing] international law,” and claims that “[Palestinian] land [is] swallowed up by the Israeli armed forces.”


Human Rights Defenders Fund (HRDF)

HRDF has funded “legal aid and defense to HRDs who face different forms of legal persecution” including “Israeli and Palestinian HRDs who participate in nonviolent protests against the Israeli occupation in the West-Bank; HRDs fighting for the rights of indigenous Bedouins in the Negev/Naqab desert in Israel; HRDs fighting for LGBTQ rights; Israelis of Ethiopian origin faced with police brutality and racism; and many more.”


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