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NGO Monitors Submission to the Human Rights Council Inquiry on the Gaza War, Led by Judge Richard Goldstone

Mandated by the UN Human Rights Council, Judge Richard Goldstone is conducting an investigation, including a fact-finding mission to Gaza and public hearings, on alleged war crimes violations by Israel during the Gaza War. NGO Monitors submission details NGO abuses of international law including distortions and demonization by PCHR, HRW, Amnesty, and Al Mezan, and lawfare campaigns and urges his commission to carefully examine the credibility and biases in NGO claims. Tendentious NGO reports influenced the inquiries of the Arab League and the UN Secretary General.


The NGO Front in the Gaza War: Lawfare Against Israel

One aspect of NGO statements on the Gaza war is demands for international investigations and "lawfare". Although the vast majority of previous lawfare cases have been dismissed, the damage to public perception of Israel and Israels diplomatic relations is considerable. Reportedly, PCHR is preparing cases in six countries, targeting 87 Israelis for harassment and "dozens of arrest warrants have already been issued." Other NGOs calling for lawfare in the wake of the Gaza war include the AIC, Adalah, Amnesty, Ittijah, and HRA.


The NGO Front in the Gaza War: Debate over Palestinian Casualties

There is a growing debate over Palestinian casualty claims. While the Palestinian Centre for Human Rights (PCHR) and the Palestinian Ministry of Health have announced that the majority of fatalities were civilians, the IDF has estimated that more than two-thirds of [the deaths] were Hamas members. PCHRs anti-Israel campaigning during war includes accusations of Israeli war crimes, crimes against humanity, human holocaust, collective punishment, indiscriminate killing and continued systematic destruction of all the Palestinian institutions and civilian facilities in the Gaza Strip.


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