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NGO Monitor sues EU over lack of NGO funding transparency

On January 20, 2010, NGO Monitor filed suit against the European Commission in order to obtain vital information related to EC funding of NGOs. After initially rejecting NGO Monitors request one year ago, citing unspecified security factors, the EC provided a disk of documents with most details deleted. The ECs allocation process has no transparency regarding decision-making or evaluation procedures. Many of the politicized NGOs funded by the EU are active in the strategy of demonization, seeking to isolate Israel using tactics such as lawfare and boycott campaigns.


International Law Series: The Right to Self Defense

The right to self-defense is a cornerstone of international law, enshrined in the UN Charter (Article 51) and numerous Security Council Resolutions. In order to delegitimize Israels self-defensive measures, many NGOs have issued statements distorting international law. Al Haq and PCHR falsely claim that Israel cannot invoke self-defense in response to attacks from non-state actors in occupied territory. Human Rights Watch and BTselem allege without any evidentiary basis that Israels exercise of self-defense is merely a pretext for punishing the Palestinians. Other groups pay lip service to Israeli self-defense.


Canadian govt denies KAIROS grant application

Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) denied KAIROS application for a $7 million/four-year grant. KAIROS accuses Israel of war crimes and collective punishment. Blames Israel for Palestinian violence. Main supporter of the anti-Israel divestment movement in Canada, coordinating this agenda on behalf of member church groups. A publication on the resources for education and action webpage describes Zionism as an ideology of empire, colonialism, and militarism. Supported the failed Bilin lawfare case in Canadian courts.


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