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SOMO (Centre for Research on Multinational Corporations)

SOMO’s research claims to “expose[] the corporate impunity that characterises the business-as-usual approach of many multinationals operating in occupied Palestine. Through activities like tourism and the unlawful exploitation of Palestinian natural resources such as stone, gas, and agricultural products, these corporations actively support Israel’s illegal settlement economy.”


Yesh Din- Volunteers for Human Rights

Yesh Din attempts to brand Israel as unaccountable to the rule of law as part of a wider “lawfare” strategy of pressing cases against Israeli officials in foreign courts and the ICC, in addition to petitioning the Israeli High Court of Justice to alter Israeli policy. These claims are based on oft-cited misleading statistics.


The Role of NGOs in Supporting the International Criminal Court (ICC) Investigation

Importantly, as part of the NGO Durban Declaration and accompanying BDS campaigns, advocacy organizations have sought to turn the ICC into a court of universal jurisdiction. Like their exploitation of the UN and other international frameworks, these NGOs seek to use the ICC for demonization and to brand Israeli officials as “war criminals.”


European Union

The European Union (EU) provides substantial funding to highly politicized NGOs active in the Arab-Israeli conflict through various funding mechanisms. Due to the highly complex and poorly coordinated nature of EU aid and to the lack of a consolidated database differentiating between NGOs and other types of organizations, it is impossible to determine the exact amount or proportions of EU funding to civil society organizations.



Founded by Edward Said, Hanan Ashrawi, Azmi Bishara and others, Miftah, claims to promote "global awareness and knowledge of Palestinian realities" . However, some of its claims were exposed as fabrications in a December 2004 CAMERA report, and it routinely describes Israel as an apartheid state and characterizes Palestinian terrorists as "activists." MIFTAH also promotes a number of political campaigns including a petition to "End the Israeli Occupation" and the "National Initiative to Resist the Wall."


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