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France flag

FIDH: International Federation of Human Rights (Paris)

FIDH is a Paris-based federation of 141 NGOs from 92 countries with consultative or observer status with several international bodies. In its mission statement, FIDH seeks to contribute to the respect of all the rights defined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. While claiming to be strict and impartial in its work, FIDH shows a strong anti-Israel bias by focusing disproportionate resources on condemning Israel, selectively interpreting international humanitarian law, dismissing the context of terrorism, largely ignoring Israeli victims of terror, and denying Israels right to self-defense. FIDH receives funding from international and national bodies and foundations, but it does not disclose the sources of its funding


Amnesty International (AI)

Amnesty International disproportionately singles out Israel for condemnation, focusing solely on the conflict with the Palestinians, misrepresenting the complexity of the conflict, and ignoring more severe human rights violations in the region. Amnesty distorts international law, misusing terms like “collective punishment,” “occupying power,” and “disproportionate” in its condemnations of Israel’s Gaza policy.


Al Mezan Center for Human Rights

Al-Mezan actively pursues a highly political anti-Israel agenda, while largely ignoring Palestinian terrorism. Its publications frequently promote false claims of Israeli war crimes and contribute to the erosion of the concept of universal human rights.


Broederlijk Delen

Broederlijk Delen funds a number of NGOs that are highly active in the global political warfare campaigns against Israel, including Adalah, Gisha, Zochrot, Badil, Coalition of Women for Peace, HaMoked, Breaking the Silence, Defense for Children International-Palestine, and Women’s Center for Legal Aid and Counseling.


European Union

The European Union (EU) provides substantial funding to highly politicized NGOs active in the Arab-Israeli conflict through various funding mechanisms. Due to the highly complex and poorly coordinated nature of EU aid and to the lack of a consolidated database differentiating between NGOs and other types of organizations, it is impossible to determine the exact amount or proportions of EU funding to civil society organizations.


SOMO (Centre for Research on Multinational Corporations)

SOMO’s research claims to “expose[] the corporate impunity that characterises the business-as-usual approach of many multinationals operating in occupied Palestine. Through activities like tourism and the unlawful exploitation of Palestinian natural resources such as stone, gas, and agricultural products, these corporations actively support Israel’s illegal settlement economy.”


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