International Criminal Court (ICC)

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Cases in Israeli Courts and Accusations of “Apartheid”: EU Funding for NGOs in Action

In 2018-2020, the EU granted €269,975 to Yesh Din, Breaking the Silence, and Physicians for Human Rights - Israel for a project ostensibly designed to increase “Israeli security forces personnel (ISFP) accountability for forcible home entries in line with democratic standards and international humanitarian and human rights law.” A review of the activities of these three Israeli NGOs since 2018 reveals what they have done with the EU funds, including promoting the canard that Israel is practicing “apartheid.”


PFLP flag

Al-Mezan’s ICC Conference: Sponsored by the UN, Headlined by Terror

On April 9, 2015, Al-Mezan hosted a conference in Gaza about the opportunities for prosecuting Israelis presented by Palestinian ascendancy to the International Criminal Court (ICC). The event featured representatives from Palestinian terrorist organizations – Hamas, Islamic Jihad, and Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) –as well as officials from leading NGOs and the UN.


Al-Haq and GLAN’s Not-So-Subtle BDS Agenda: Analysis of Submission on “Business and Human Rights in Occupied Territory”

On April 27, 2020, Al-Haq and Global Legal Action Network (GLAN, Ireland) published, “Business and Human Rights in Occupied Territory: A Guidance for Upholding Human Rights" that attempted to mainstream BDS against Israel in a UN framework


Jewish Voice for Peace and BADIL Team up to Downplay Terrorism and Promote BDS

In July-August 2020, Jewish Voice for Peace – Boston and BADIL held a series of webinars on aimed at “raising awareness in the USA…on the current obstacles and challenges facing the Palestinian people in their struggle for liberation.” Topics included annexation, President Trump’s “peace plan,” “Segregation, Fragmentation and Isolation,” and conditional funding.


NGO Amicus Briefs on ICC Jurisdiction: The Latest Lawfare Battlefield

NGO submissions to the International Criminal Court (ICC) involve highly flawed or invented legal arguments; deviation from the requirement limiting discussion to that of jurisdiction; revision and erasure of the historical record, including Palestinian terrorism; promotion of biased source material


NGO Webinar Pushes ICC Lawfare Agenda

On April 13, 2020, the Foundation for Middle East Peace (FMEP) hosted a webinar on “Israel-Palestine at the ICC,” featuring speakers from Human Rights Watch (HRW), Al-Haq, the Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR), and B’Tselem. The webinar advanced the NGOs’ long-standing campaign to pressure the International Criminal Court (ICC) to open an investigation of Israelis over alleged war crimes.


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