International Criminal Court (ICC)

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Candidates for the UN Special Rapporteur for the Palestinians, Biased Candidates for a Biased Mandate

In March 2022, the Human Rights Council will appoint a new Special Rapporteur on the “situation of human rights in the Palestinian Territory occupied since 1967.” In keeping with past practices, at least five of the six candidates have records of anti-Israel partisanship, and do not appear to fulfill the requirements of impartiality and objectivity as required by HRC resolution 5/1.


NGO Statements to the UNHRC Special Session on Israeli Alleged War Crimes in 2021 Gaza Conflict

On May 27, 2021, the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC) convened a special session on Israel to discuss “violations” allegedly committed by Israel since April 13, 2021 relating to Sheikh Jarrah, Gaza, Temple Mount and Al-Aqsa Mosque, and mixed Israeli cities.


HRW’s “Apartheid” Publication: Demonization, BDS, and Lawfare

On April 27, 2021, HRW will publish a report as part of a renewed NGO push over the past 18-months, attaching the term “apartheid” to discourse on Israel. The report adds to decades of HRW’s obsessively singling out of Jews and Israel, and rejection of the legitimacy of a Jewish nation state, per se and regardless of policies or borders


NGOs Intensify Apartheid Demonization Campaign

In the past 18-months, at least 15 political NGOs involved in anti-Israel advocacy, as well as their UN allies, have issued publications accusing Israel of “apartheid.” This offensive term is used to advance a narrative of unparalleled Israeli immorality, and to promote demonization through BDS and lawfare, including in the International Criminal Court (ICC).


Europe Funds Fraudulent Child Rights Campaign to Sanction Israel

Palestinian and international NGOs – funded by European governments and working in tandem with UNICEF’s West Bank and Gaza branch – have built an extensive campaign, using false charges of abuse of Palestinian children in the effort to trigger sanctions against Israel.


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