Humanitarian Aid

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UN OCHA-oPt: Exploiting Humanitarianism to Advance Political Warfare

The Israel, West Bank, and Gaza branch of the UN’s Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA-oPt) executes the UN’s regional humanitarian response plan, facilitating and providing donations to dozens of non-governmental organizations (NGOs). As opposed to other OCHA branches around the world, OCHA-oPt prioritizes one-sided political advocacy in place of traditional humanitarian assistance.


Political Advocacy NGO Involvement in UN Humanitarian Aid Clusters

As part of UNOCHA's “Humanitarian Response Plan (HRP),” aid appeals are divided into clusters with NGOs serving as implementing partners with UN agencies, and in some cases, responsible for leading the cluster. The cluster system is a key international lobbying and action mechanism through which the PA advances its nationalist and political agenda, sustaining conflict,


The UN’s Top Priority for Palestine: $18 million for More NGO-linked anti-Israel Lawfare

The United Nations Development Assistance Framework and the Palestinian Authority have signed a “strategic programming framework” for 2018-2022, providing over $1 billion to “support[] Palestine’s path to independence” and other “pillars of the government’s National Policy Agenda.”


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