Human Rights Watch

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Palestinian Activists at Human Rights Watch

Professor Gerald M. Steinberg and Maayan Rockland analyze how Human Rights Watch defames the Jewish State and employs numerous anti-Israel activists and BDS campaigners with well-documented histories of radical activism in the context of the Arab-Israeli conflict.


Initial Analysis of HRW’s Housing Report: Ignoring Facts in Service of a ’48 Agenda

On May 12, 2020, Human Rights Watch released “Israel: Discriminatory Land Policies Hem in Palestinians,” the latest installment in its decades-long campaign to assail Israel’s legitimacy.  Timed to coincide with the observance of Nakba Day (May 15) – when anti-Israel activists mourn the establishment of the Jewish State as a “catastrophe” – HRW once again invents rights while embracing a 1948 agenda.


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