[Opinion] Not just any celebration
Jason Edelstein and Naftali Balanson discuss the silence of NGOs on Gilad Shalit and their failure to condemn the extortion exacted by Hamas, resulting in the release of hundreds of convicted criminals.
Jason Edelstein and Naftali Balanson discuss the silence of NGOs on Gilad Shalit and their failure to condemn the extortion exacted by Hamas, resulting in the release of hundreds of convicted criminals.
Since Gilad Shalits capture, human rights NGOs have demonstrated little interest in his human rights. NGOs have also not condemned the immoral extortion exacted by Hamas on Israel, resulting in freedom for hundreds of terrorists, including convicted murderers.
The agreement to release kidnapped Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit is an important humanitarian act, but organizations dedicated to human rights have an obligation to condemn such immoral extortion by Hamas.
For most of the four years since the kidnapping of Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit, most human rights NGOs have ignored his situation. On the fourth anniversary of Shalits capture, most of these NGOs continued their silence. The exceptions were HRW, BTselem, and PCATI. Amnesty International, which was initially active, to a limited degree, on the Shalit issue, was silent.