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Hamas Commits War Crimes, NGOs are Silent

On May 10-12, 2021, Palestinian terror groups in Gaza fired over 1000 rockets and mortars toward Israeli population centers – each one an unequivocal war crime. As with previous flare-ups involving Gaza, NGOs and NGO officials that claim to promote human rights have ignored the blatant Palestinian violations against Israeli civilians.


NGO Amicus Briefs on ICC Jurisdiction: The Latest Lawfare Battlefield

NGO submissions to the International Criminal Court (ICC) involve highly flawed or invented legal arguments; deviation from the requirement limiting discussion to that of jurisdiction; revision and erasure of the historical record, including Palestinian terrorism; promotion of biased source material


NGO Webinar Pushes ICC Lawfare Agenda

On April 13, 2020, the Foundation for Middle East Peace (FMEP) hosted a webinar on “Israel-Palestine at the ICC,” featuring speakers from Human Rights Watch (HRW), Al-Haq, the Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR), and B’Tselem. The webinar advanced the NGOs’ long-standing campaign to pressure the International Criminal Court (ICC) to open an investigation of Israelis over alleged war crimes.


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