
Showing 81-90 of 594

Terrestrial Jerusalem

Promotes a one-sided approach to the conflict, placing sole blame for the failure of the peace process on Israel. The complexities of the situation in Jerusalem – including illegal building and crime in Palestinian neighborhoods, damage to the Temple Mount as a result of illegal digging by the Waqf, and incitement to violence against Jews by extremist clerics – are erased.


OneVoice International

One Voice is the “legal-organizational channel” for Victory 2015 (V15), a campaign seeking to defeat Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in the 2015 March elections. OneVoice Israel’s Executive Director Polly Bronstein said: “We believe that it’s critical that the majority of Israelis who are concerned about the numerous security and socio-economic challenges we face have their voices heard in the next election. We need a prime minister and a government who will be responsive to the people.”


UN and Government Officials Attend Antisemitic “Artwork” Display in Khan al-Ahmar

On August 2, 2018, a number of UN and European government officials attended an event hosted by the PA’s “Colonization and Wall Resistance Commission" that included a virulently antisemitic artwork display in the Area C encampment of Khan al-Ahmar. The failure of the government and UN officials to vigorously and publically condemn this incident stands in sharp contrast to claimed human rights agendas.


French Funded Propaganda Film Exploits Palestinian Youth

In August 2018, the Platform of French NGOs for Palestine (PFP), a French funded anti-Israeli NGO, published a documentary titled “No Kidding, Games under control" that erases any notion of Israeli security concerns, including the context of violence and terrorism, and instead disseminates multiple unverified claims.


NGO Statements and Campaigns on Gaza Border Violence

Following the “March of Return” protests that took place along Gaza’s border with Israel on March 30, 2018, numerous human rights non-governmental organizations (NGOs) took to social media to condemn Israel – neglecting the context and role that terrorist organizations like Hamas, Islamic Jihad, and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) played in organizing the event.



Finland provides direct and indirect financial support for Israeli and Palestinian political advocacy NGOs via various national frameworks.


Interfaith Peace-Builders (IFPB)

IFPB sends “3 – 4 delegations to Israel/Palestine every year,” claiming to expose the “everyday violence of war and occupation” and promotes BDS including calling to “End US Military Aid to Israel.”


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