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UN-NGO Collaboration: The Ongoing Demonization of Israel

On June 8-10, 2009, the UN Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People held a conference in Jakarta, Indonesia. The program represented the Palestinian political agenda, and was a platform for the demonization of Israel. Speakers were from highly politicized NGOs, including Miftah and Ir Amim, and all represented a narrow section of the political spectrum. Miftah claimed suicide bombings [are] a symptom of a much bigger problem, and Ir Amim contributed to the anti-Israel exercise. Another NGO discussed the Palestinian struggle against Israels occupation, ethnic cleansing and institutionalized apartheid over 61 years.


HRW raises funds in Saudi Arabia by demonizing Israel

Leaders of Human Rights Watch visited Saudi Arabia one of the major violators of the norms that HRW claims to promote to raise funds for the organization. HRWs anti-Israel obsession was stated as the major reason for holding this Saudi fundraiser. Sarah Leah Whitsons appeal for Saudi support and money acknowledged HRWs anti-Israel focus extensively, claiming that Human Rights Watch provided the international community with evidence of Israel using white phosphorus and launching systematic destructive attacks on civilian targets. Whitson also invoked the canard of pro-Israel pressure groups.


Amnesty in 2008: Anti-Israel Obsession Continues to Undermine Moral Principles

In 2008, Amnesty again focused disproportionately on Israels response to aggression from Gaza, and led the NGO campaigns accusing Israel of collective punishment and war crimes. Israel is portrayed as among the worst human rights violators in the Middle East. In 2008 Amnesty issued more in-depth reports on Israel than any other country. Media attention and ideology, in contrast to universal human rights, drive Amnestys agenda. Its 2009 Annual Report further demonstrates the NGOs highly biased approach, grossly distorting the conflict and promoting the Palestinian narrative of events.


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