
Showing 501-510 of 594

Promoting Israel's Isolation: Switzerland, Sweden, Denmark, Netherlands funding for NDC and NGOs

The NGO Development Center (NDC - Ramallah) has distributed $6 million to 25 NGOs on behalf of Switzerland, Sweden, Netherlands, and Denmark. The NGO grantees include some of the most radical groups operating in Israel and the Palestinian Authority. Many of the recipients employ apartheid rhetoric and promote war crimes cases against Israeli officials, and some are active members in the Palestinian BDS movement. NDC facilitated and funded the Palestinian NGO Code of Conduct which demands that Palestinian groups reject any normalization activities with the occupier.


Analyzing Human Rights Watchs Defensive Response to Robert Bernstein

HRWs founders critical op-ed in the NY Times led to a defensive campaign by HRW officials and supporters. These misleading responses use identical language and format. HRW officials did not address Bernsteins most serious claims: HRWs role in turn[ing] Israel into a pariah state and its loss of critical perspective on Irans support for Hamas and Hezbollah. Analysis demonstrates that, contrary to the NGOs claims, HRW does disproportionately focus on Israel, including 30% of the Middle East divisions reporting in 2009; and its research is flawed and error-filled.


Goldstone's NGO partner: The Arab Thought Forum E.U. funding to Promote Demonization

Goldstone is the chair of the Executive Committee of the Institute for Historical Justice and Reconciliation. Its Middle East Project to establish a shared history is being conducted in partnership with the Arab Thought Forum (ATF). There is no longer an Israeli NGO partner. ATF employs terms such as Palestinian Holocaust, apartheid, ethnic cleansing, genocide, and collective punishment, while promoting the boycotts, divestment, and sanctions (BDS) campaign.


Goldstone Report: 575 pages of NGO cut and paste

The Goldstone report is primarily based on NGO statements, publications, and submissions from Btselem, PCHR, Al-Haq, HRW, and many others copying the NGO biases, flawed methodology, and false claims. Following HRW and Amnesty, evidence of human shields is ignored. The report repeats NGO distortions of international law, including the false legal claim that Gaza remains occupied. Despite all the evidence to the contrary, Goldstones report asserts that the data provided by non-governmental sources with regard to the percentage of civilians among those killed are generally consistent.


Showing 501-510 of 594