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Obsession and Scandals: HRW in 2009

In 2009, Human Rights Watch publications on Israel comprised 28% of its total Mideast output. This is more than Iran, Saudi Arabia, Libya, Syria, and other chronic human rights abusers. HRW issued 34 statements on the Goldstone Report, which out-numbered documents on all the countries in the Middle East, except Israel and Iran. Scandals included a fundraising trip to Saudi Arabia, the revelation that Marc Garlasco is an avid collector of Nazi memorabilia, and founder Robert Bernsteins NY Times op-ed that strongly criticized the organizations role in turn[ing] Israel into a pariah state.


Update on KAIROS (Canada) in the Arab-Israeli Conflict

KAIROS position on the right of return totally conforms with the Palestinian demands. This political advocacy on an extremely complex issue is inconsistent with KAIROS status as a humanitarian aid organization funded by the Canadian government. KAIROS also promotes the Palestinian narrative on the peace process, implying that Israel alone is responsible for continued conflict in the region. Also recognizes the possibility that sustainable and just peace may take the shape of one bi-national state for two peoples.


List of 36 Incidents in the Goldstone Report

The Goldstone Report apparently documents in detail 36 incidents that occurred during the Gaza War. According to Richard Goldstone, "they appear to represent situations where there was little or no military justification for what happened." A list of these 36 incidents is not published in the report, nor is one available on the Missions website. Neither Goldstone, nor the Mission responded to NGO Monitor requests for this information. The following is a compilation of approximately 30-40 detailed incidents culled from a review of the report.


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