
Showing 481-490 of 594

HRW Presses Goldstone Campaign, Ignores Exposés

HRWs sixth report on the Gaza War, Turning a Blind Eye is another example of the obsessive focus on Israel, and presses HRWs campaign on behalf of the Goldstone report. The publication is premised on speculation and charges that go beyond HRWs research capacity. Despite his resignation, HRW repeats Marc Garlascos allegations as if they were credible and uncontested. The report also reflects the ideological bias of the MENA Division. HRW fellow Arezo Yazd contributed to Turning a Blind Eye, and refers to [Israeli] state-sponsored terrorism and the Apartheid Wall.


International Law Series: The Right to Self Defense

The right to self-defense is a cornerstone of international law, enshrined in the UN Charter (Article 51) and numerous Security Council Resolutions. In order to delegitimize Israels self-defensive measures, many NGOs have issued statements distorting international law. Al Haq and PCHR falsely claim that Israel cannot invoke self-defense in response to attacks from non-state actors in occupied territory. Human Rights Watch and BTselem allege without any evidentiary basis that Israels exercise of self-defense is merely a pretext for punishing the Palestinians. Other groups pay lip service to Israeli self-defense.


Showing 481-490 of 594