
Showing 431-440 of 594

Durban III Update: Will NGOs Be Given Center Stage?

On June 8, 2011, the UN General Assembly adopted a draft resolution on the Durban III conference, scheduled for September 22, 2011 marking the tenth anniversary of the World Conference Against Racism in Durban, South Africa. In advance of September 2011, the draft resolution on Durban III outlines a key role for selected NGOs.


Analysis of the NGO Networks Jordan Valley Campaign

In May and June 2011, the network of political advocacy NGOs initiated a campaign on the Jordan Valley. This NGO campaign includes numerous distortions of the complex security and diplomatic issues, and exploits the rhetoric of human rights, in order to advance the political agendas of the participants.


NGOs Promoting the Palestinian "Right of Return"

In addition to misrepresenting UN General Assembly Resolution 194, which does not mandate a wholesale "right of return" as alleged, the NGOs completely disregard the Jewish refugees from Arab countries who were driven from their homes following the establishment of the State of Israel.


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