Misereor is the official aid framework of the Catholic Church in Germany - since 1962, the German government is obligated under German law to provide financial support for the development work of church-aid organizations.
Misereor is the official aid framework of the Catholic Church in Germany - since 1962, the German government is obligated under German law to provide financial support for the development work of church-aid organizations.
Trócaire claims to work "in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT) and Israel." Its description of the region claims a population of 4.1 million (see below). The population of the West Bank and Gaza is appoximately 4 million, while that of Israel is over 8 million. Trócaire thus seems to serve only the population in the West Bank and Gaza, although it claims to work in Israel as well.
Yitzhak Santis notes that involvement of major Catholic charities and NGOs in anti-Israel activities strains Jewish-Catholic relations.