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"Hijacked by Hatred": British NGOs Use Christmas for anti-Israel Attacks

Through the use of holiday and religious symbols, NGOs such as War on Want, Amos Trust, and Pax Christi are manipulating Christmas to advance a political agenda, and in some cases, may be promoting antisemitic canards. NGOs also organized an event entitled, "Bethlehem Now: Nine Alternative Lessons and Carols for Palestine"; the tendentious lyrics and themes of the event led to strong condemnations from Christian and Jewish community leaders. War on Wants "Alternative Gift" of donations to the Palestinian Grassroots Anti-Apartheid Wall Coalition supports the boycotts, divestment, and sanctions (BDS) movement.


Christian Aid 2008 Update: Promoting Conflict

Christian Aid, a major British NGO and NGO-funder, endorses a highly biased approach to the Arab-Israeli conflict. It dismisses the impact of Palestinian terrorism and focuses disproportionately on alleged Israeli "violations." Christian Aids partners are among the most radical NGOs in the region -- including Sabeel, ICAHD, and the AIC -- which actively promote BDS campaigns. Christian Aid receives substantial funding from the British and Irish governments.


HRW Hires Another pro-Palestinian Activist

The addition of Nadia Barhoum, a pro-Palestinian campus activist, to HRWs Middle East and North Africa Division, increases the political bias reflected in the activities and backgrounds of Sarah Leah Whitson, Joe Stork, and previous staff. This is inconsistent with HRWs claimed "even-handedness and accuracy." Barhoum was an active member in Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) at the University of California, Berkeley. SJP promotes the Durban agenda of demonization of Israel, divestment from Israel, and uses terms such as "apartheid" and "mass atrocities" in reference to Israel.


Europes Hidden Hand: EU Funding for Political NGOs in the Arab Israeli conflict

NGO Monitor has published a highly detailed examination of European Union (EU) funding of political NGOs in the Arab-Israeli conflict. The fifty-page report, Europes Hidden Hand, provides the first in depth analysis of this important area, and reveals that between 2005 and 2007, the EU provided tens of millions of Euros from public money to NGOs whose activities directly contradict EU policy. The report also uncovers and analyzes the lack of transparency and accountability in EU funding of NGOs in this region.


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