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Al Haq-supported Lawfare in Canada

Al Haq is assisting the Bilin Village Council in a lawsuit in Quebec against three Canadian corporations for allegedly aiding, abetting, assisting and conspiring with Israel, the Occupying Power in the West Bank, in carrying out an illegal act. This case is part of its strategy to exploit Western courts for political goals (lawfare), including cases against British government officials. General Director Shawan Jabarin has alleged ties to the PFLP terror organization. Israeli attorney and political activist Michael Sfard, lawyer for Jabarin, is also representing the Village Council.


York University's Israel/Palestine Conference: Speaker Political Profiles - Behind the Academic Facade

York University will hold a conference Israel/Palestine: Mapping Models of Statehood and Paths to Peace. The vast majority of the speakers are virulent anti-Israel activists, far removed from an academic approach, who use apartheid rhetoric. There is no evidence of the robust academic critique claimed by the organizers. Their support for a one state solution is the equivalent of calling for the elimination of the State of Israel. Speakers include: Ali Abunimah, Jeff Halper, Naeem Jeenah, Mazin Qumsiyeh, and Marc Ellis.


Alternative Information Center (AIC) Profile

AIC is a radical political organization run by individuals with links to the Trotskyite anti-Zionist Revolutionary Communist League (Matzpen) and the PFLP. Funders include: Diakonia (Swedish government), Christian Aid (Irish government), and Sodepau (Catalan government in Spain). AIC rhetoric includes: [Sanctions] can provide an excellent framework to fight normalization with Israel. Shimon Peres is definitely an enemy of the Palestinian people, of human rights and of peace. Only the choice of resistance can put an end to the occupation. Barak and the rest of them to Nuremberg!


Norwegian NGO Funding: Boycotts and Apartheid Rhetoric instead of Peace and Coexistence

Norway provides tens of millions of kroner annually to NGOs that are involved in anti-Israel boycott campaigns and the Stop the Wall Campaign in Norway. Norway also funds extreme Israeli and Palestinian groups. Norwegian Peoples Aid accuses Israel of "war crimes" and "collective punishment," and uses "apartheid" rhetoric. A NORWAC member, Dr. Mads Gilbert has engaged in radical propaganda, including justifying the 9/11 attacks and false claims on the Gaza conflict. Norwegian Church Aid is an "important affiliate" of the Stop the Wall Campaign in Norway.


Amnesty's Gaza "Report" and call for Arms Embargo: Abolishing Israel's Right to Self Defense

In a February 23, 2009 publication, Amnesty International calls on the UN Security Council to impose an arms embargo on Israel. This continues Amnestys leading role in the Durban Strategy designed to isolate Israel and prevent self-defense. Amnesty exploits the faade of a "research report" to make baseless accusations, misrepresent international humanitarian law, and promote an immoral and indefensible equivalence between Hamas and Israel. Amnesty's attempt to equate the transfer weapons to Israel for legitimate defense, with clandestinely smuggled arms to a terrorist organization, is defamatory, immoral, and absurd.


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