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KAIROS and Political Advocacy: The Facts

Media statements from KAIROS and its supporters have claimed that there is no evidence that the organization was active in anti-Israel campaigns, such as BDS (boycotts, divestment, and sanctions). This information is inconsistent with information published by KAIROS. KAIROS published a strategy paper that endorses divestment from Israel, explicitly promoting the campaign in the U.S. Presbyterian Church and led by Sabeel. The text also describes KAIROS plans to coordinate these activities among its member churches.


Promoting Israel's Isolation: Switzerland, Sweden, Denmark, Netherlands funding for NDC and NGOs

The NGO Development Center (NDC - Ramallah) has distributed $6 million to 25 NGOs on behalf of Switzerland, Sweden, Netherlands, and Denmark. The NGO grantees include some of the most radical groups operating in Israel and the Palestinian Authority. Many of the recipients employ apartheid rhetoric and promote war crimes cases against Israeli officials, and some are active members in the Palestinian BDS movement. NDC facilitated and funded the Palestinian NGO Code of Conduct which demands that Palestinian groups reject any normalization activities with the occupier.


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