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Rockefeller Brothers Fund

The Rockefeller Brothers Fund (RBF) claims to advance “social change that contributes to a more just, sustainable, and peaceful world.” The Fund’s Peacebuilding program, which approves grants related to the Arab-Israel conflict, aims to “advance just and durable peace by supporting innovative and collaborative approaches and policies for conflict prevention, management, and transformation; strengthening constituencies and political will for conflict transformation and durable peace; and exploring solutions to emerging transnational threats and drivers of conflict.”



Diakonia’s “International Humanitarian Law” (IHL) program, which has its own online “Resource Center,” exploits international law, demonizes Israel, and promotes anti-Israel lawfare campaigns and a narrative based solely on Palestinian victimization. The IHL program focuses exclusively on Israel, and Diakonia does not conduct similar types of programs in terms of content or resources involving any other conflict region in the world.


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