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Broederlijk Delen

Broederlijk Delen funds a number of NGOs that are highly active in the global political warfare campaigns against Israel, including Adalah, Gisha, Zochrot, Badil, Coalition of Women for Peace, HaMoked, Breaking the Silence, Defense for Children International-Palestine, and Women’s Center for Legal Aid and Counseling.


European Union

The European Union (EU) provides substantial funding to highly politicized NGOs active in the Arab-Israeli conflict through various funding mechanisms. Due to the highly complex and poorly coordinated nature of EU aid and to the lack of a consolidated database differentiating between NGOs and other types of organizations, it is impossible to determine the exact amount or proportions of EU funding to civil society organizations.



The government of the Netherlands provides millions of euros annually to political NGOs active in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The funds are transferred directly through government entities (MFA, Embassy in Tel Aviv, Representative Office in Ramallah) and the Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law Secretariat (the “Secretariat”), and indirectly via NGOs that receive government support.


Human Rights Watch (HRW)

Human Rights Watch is a powerful NGO, with a massive budget, close links to Western governments, and significant influence in international institutions. Its publications reflect the absence of professional standards, research methodologies, and military and legal expertise, as well as a deep-seated ideological bias against Israel.


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