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Women's International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF)

Womens International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF) has lobbied for an NGO Forum at the Durban Review Conference, erasing the antisemitism and virulent anti-Israel rhetoric of the NGO Forum at the first Durban conference in 2001. In statements to the UN, WILPF falsely accuses Israel of "relentless destruction of Palestinian infrastructure" and maintaining "more than 650 checkpoints where Palestinians are brutalized and die." WILPF is a member of the Coalition of Women for Peace (CWP), a highly politicized Israeli NGO umbrella group funded by NIF and the EU.


Embrace the Middle East

While Embrace the Middle East runs schools and organizes educational programming and other community development initiatives, it promotes an entirely biased and distorted view of the conflict based solely on the Palestinian narrative of victimization and Israeli aggression.


Habitat International Coalition

Habitat International Coalition (HIC) is “an independent international nonprofit Coalition of organisations and individuals working in the field of human settlement.” The highly politicized HIC-MENA website disseminates thinly veiled anti-Israel propaganda.. Blatant anti-Israel articles appear in its news section and documents section.


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