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Grassroots Jerusalem

Features a BDS [boycotts, divestment and sanctions] section on its website, stating, “Grassroots Jerusalem strongly supports the global BDS call as a strategic tool to hold ‘Israel’ accountable for its oppression of the Palestinian people” (scare quotes in original), and calling on “every single person” to take “action and call on your respective governments and the companies benefitting from the occupation to end the countless violations of international and humanitarian law that they either perpetuate or passively support by standing idly by as the human rights of Palestinians are violated.”


Promotion of Apartheid Rhetoric and BDS at the UNHRC 50th Session

The 50th Session of the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC), held in June 2022, perpetuated the bias and hypocrisy that has come to define the UNHRC specifically and the United Nations in general. Several statements made during the session by NGO officials, many of which receive large portions of their funding from European governments, promoted the apartheid canard and advocated for BDS.


NGOs Exploit the Death of Al-Jazeera Reporter

On May 11, 2022, Al-Jazeera reporter Shireen Abu Akleh was killed during clashes between Israeli troops and Palestinian gunmen in the West Bank. Predictably, the same chorus of NGOs that claim any Israeli use of force is a war crime, immediately accused Israel of killing the journalist, amplifying the PA’s position that the incident demanded an ICC investigation, while calling for more BDS measures.


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