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Ir Amim

Ir Amim is an Israeli NGO whose activities include “Monitoring” and “exposing” Israeli government actions in Jerusalem, “policy and legal advocacy,” and running highly politicized tours of Jerusalem and the security barrier.


Society of St. Yves

St. Yves petitions Israeli courts and represents defendants in cases relating to “Jerusalem Residency,” “Freedom of Movement,” “House Demolitions,” “Land Confiscation,” and “Family Unification.” St. Yves accuses Israel of “discriminatory policies” and “breach[ing] international law,” and claims that “[Palestinian] land [is] swallowed up by the Israeli armed forces.”


World Council of Churches (WCC)

The World Council of Churches, a collective of 347 churches, denominations and church fellowships in more than 110 countries and territories, has established several highly biased and politicized subgroups, including Ecumenical Accompaniment Programme in Palestine and Israel (EAPPI), Palestine Israel Ecumenical Forum (PIEF), and the Jerusalem Interchurch Centre (JIC).


Showing 111-120 of 868