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Israeli Committee against House Demolitions (ICAHD)

Founded in 1997 by Jeff Halper, a former Professor at Ben-Gurion University, the Israel Committee Against House Demolitions (ICAHD), describes itself as a "non-violent, direct-action group originally established to oppose and resist Israeli demolition of Palestinian houses in the Occupied Territories". The scope its advocacy and lobbying extends much further, however. As documented in previous NGO Monitor reports, ICAHD uses its funding (including 472,000 from the EU in 2005) to campaign against the two-state solution, promote boycotts and divestment, uses terms such as "apartheid", and grossly distort the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Moreover, ICAHD often recites statistics on the numbers of Palestinian homes demolished in the West Bank without sources making independent verification of ICAHDs allegations impossible. ICAHDs claims that Israeli planning and development policies are founded in racism are opinions based on ideology, and of no validity beyond this.


BADIL - Resource Center for Palestinian Residency and Refugee Rights

At the Durban Review Conference PrepCom (October 6-17), BADIL accused Israel of "systematic ethnic cleansing" and "institutionalized racism and discrimination" which "constitutes a root cause of consequence of the ongoing internal forcible displacement and dispossession of the Palestinian people." These statements are part of its campaign for the "right of return of the Palestinian people," and in pursuit of the "Durban strategy" of demonization. BADIL is funded by Trocaire (Ireland), Norway, Switzerland, Oxfam, and others.


Stop the Wall Palestinian Grassroots Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign (PGAAWC)

Stop the Wall “has been the main national grassroots body mobilizing and organizing the collective efforts against the Apartheid Wall..” The NGO falsely accuses Israel of “collective punishment,” “repression,” “restricting movement,” “water theft,” and a “ghettoization project.”


Rights Forum

Rights Forum is a Dutch organization, established by former Dutch Prime Minister Andreas van Agt, which describes itself as a “knowledge center on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and as a network of previous ministers and jurists that are committed to a solution of the conflict based on international law.” Claims that it was created in response to alleged “unwavering” Dutch support for alleged Israeli violations of international law. It lobbies the Dutch government and the EU to promote the Palestinian agenda.


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