Tis the Season for BDSDecember 23, 2010TopicsAntisemitismApartheid RhetoricBDS in the PewsTheological antisemitism
Canadian Govt to Halt Funding for NGOs Promoting ConflictDecember 08, 2009TopicsApartheid RhetoricBDSBDS in the PewsChurch FundingCoalition for Justice and Peace in Palestine (CJPP)Israel Apartheid Week
Diakonia - Swedens Largest Humanitarian NGO - Funds Radical Anti-Israel AgendaAugust 25, 2009TopicsApartheid RhetoricBDS in the PewsChurch FundingForeign Government FundingLawfareNazi rhetoricPopular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP)Shawan JabarinTheological antisemitism