BDS in the Pews
NGOs Use Christmas to Glorify Terrorism
At the height of the holiday season, NGOs, well-known charities, and church groups are once again exploiting Christmas to conduct political warfare against Israel.
[Opinion] Will Washington's Archdiocese Sanction Theological Anti-Judaism?
Yitzhak Santis calls on the Archdiocese of Washington to disengage from the annual conference sponsored by the Holy Land Christian Ecumenical Foundation, which will host numerous speakers who preach anti-Israel and antisemitic messages.
NGO Monitor Statement on NGOs and the United Church of Christ Vote for BDS
The vote in favor of divestment by the United Church of Christ at its General Synod is a blow to morality and peacemaking in the Middle East.
Palestinian Christian Group Sabeel Drives Theological Assault on Israel in Churches
Sabeel is a major actor in the effort to convince Christian denominations to support BDS against Israel in North America, Europe, Australia, and elsewhere.
Catholic Aid Societies and Political Campaigns Directed at Israel
NGOs funded by Catholic aid charities engage in activities that contribute to the international demonization and delegitimization of Israel, including BDS campaigns that seek to isolate Israel diplomatically, economically, culturally, and militarily.