Apartheid Rhetoric

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“Gaza is Palestine”: NGOs and Rep. Tlaib Push BDS

On October 7, 2021, the “Gaza is Palestine” campaign will host a virtual event featuring Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) and a number of BDS activists. These include individuals who have celebrated violence against Israelis. The campaign seeks to halt US military assistance to Israel and is spearheaded by pro-BDS NGOs.


NGO Statements to the UNHRC Special Session on Israeli Alleged War Crimes in 2021 Gaza Conflict

On May 27, 2021, the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC) convened a special session on Israel to discuss “violations” allegedly committed by Israel since April 13, 2021 relating to Sheikh Jarrah, Gaza, Temple Mount and Al-Aqsa Mosque, and mixed Israeli cities.


HRW’s “Apartheid” Publication: Demonization, BDS, and Lawfare

On April 27, 2021, HRW will publish a report as part of a renewed NGO push over the past 18-months, attaching the term “apartheid” to discourse on Israel. The report adds to decades of HRW’s obsessively singling out of Jews and Israel, and rejection of the legitimacy of a Jewish nation state, per se and regardless of policies or borders


NGOs Intensify Apartheid Demonization Campaign

In the past 18-months, at least 15 political NGOs involved in anti-Israel advocacy, as well as their UN allies, have issued publications accusing Israel of “apartheid.” This offensive term is used to advance a narrative of unparalleled Israeli immorality, and to promote demonization through BDS and lawfare, including in the International Criminal Court (ICC).


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