Apartheid Rhetoric

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NGOs Exploit the Death of Al-Jazeera Reporter

On May 11, 2022, Al-Jazeera reporter Shireen Abu Akleh was killed during clashes between Israeli troops and Palestinian gunmen in the West Bank. Predictably, the same chorus of NGOs that claim any Israeli use of force is a war crime, immediately accused Israel of killing the journalist, amplifying the PA’s position that the incident demanded an ICC investigation, while calling for more BDS measures.


NGO Credibility in Human Rights and Conflict Reporting: The 2021 State Department Human Rights Report

NGO Monitor submitted an analysis to the US State Department of several key dimensions related to this issue in 2021, highlighting the extreme ideological positions and methodological failures that define NGO reporting on Israel.


Michael Lynk’s Final Fiction

On March 22, 2022, UN Special Rapporteur “on the situation of human rights in the Palestinian Territory occupied since 1967” Michael Lynk released his final report before ending his six-year term. As in previous reports, he parrots terror-linked NGOs and falsifies reality to accuse Israel of committing “apartheid.”


Candidates for the UN Special Rapporteur for the Palestinians, Biased Candidates for a Biased Mandate

In March 2022, the Human Rights Council will appoint a new Special Rapporteur on the “situation of human rights in the Palestinian Territory occupied since 1967.” In keeping with past practices, at least five of the six candidates have records of anti-Israel partisanship, and do not appear to fulfill the requirements of impartiality and objectivity as required by HRC resolution 5/1.


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